The Foundation Quarter Horse Registry
Your gateway to preserving the rich heritage of the working cow horse bloodlines of the Foundation Quarter Horse. We're proud to showcase our heritage at our equestrian shows held in Midland, MI.
We invite you to explore the opportunities within our registry and discover the versatility of equine excellence.

Our Purpose & Mission

Our mission is clear,
to safeguard, honor, and propagate the esteemed lineage of the Foundation Quarter Horse. Rooted in the foundational bloodlines of the American Quarter Horse Association, the FQHR upholds a steadfast commitment to excellence. We proudly recognize horses listed in the first five AQHA studbooks, comprising the initial 27,000 registrations, as true representatives of the breed's essence.
At FQHR, inclusivity is paramount. We extend registration eligibility to individuals boasting a minimum of 75% foundation blood, ensuring a diverse and vibrant community. Upholding our standards, we maintain a strict policy prohibiting registered Thoroughbreds closer than the fourth generation. Additionally, families susceptible to carrying HYPP are ineligible for registration, irrespective of generational ties or testing outcomes.
Join us in honoring tradition, embracing quality, and fostering the legacy of the Foundation Quarter Horse.
2025 Show Dates
April 18-20 / May 16-18 / June 20-22 / August 1-3 / September 12-14
Stay updated on upcoming events and competitions. Learn More.
Learn about sponsorship opportunities and support our mission. Learn More.
Divisions & Programs
Explore our diverse divisions and programs tailored to all levels of enthusiasts. Learn More.
Access valuable resources and links for further exploration.